How to preserve foie gras
Foie gras, the symbol of French gastronomy, is a very delicate, fragile product. It is essential to refrigerate it after opening, if you want to be able to eat it in the next few days. Be sure to remember to protect your product with plastic wrap. But preserving foie gras obviously depends on the liver: whether it is raw, lightly-cooked or canned.
Preserving raw fresh foie gras
For raw fresh foie gras, simply store it at a temperature between 0°C and 4°C, for up to seven days. No matter its presentation - vacuum-packed or paper wrapped - it should be conserved in the same way.
Forduck foie gras mi-cuit also called half preserved store it at chilled temperature 0°C +4°C. After opening eat the product within 3 days.
For duck foie gras conserve also called preserved foie gras, you can keep it a room temperature after opening store it at 0°C +4°C and eat it within 3 days.
Of course, these conservation methods only apply to unopened foie gras. Once opened, we strongly recommend consuming it the same day or the following day at the latest, and storing it in the refrigerator.